Passionnée de la nature et ses bienfaits, depuis 30 ans, après des études sur les plantes et leurs transformations auprès de professionnels de renom, elle pratique la médecine à base de plantes, ceci à très petite échelle. Elle est consciente de son potentiel et pense qu’elle offrirait mieux si elle avait un soutien financier et un accompagnement digital car sa production est de loin inférieure à ses connaissances. Elle est travailleuse et rend grâce au Créateur pour la force qu’il lui donne au quotidien de toujours avancer ceci malgré les nombreuses difficultés de la vie.
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Magang Christine was born in Nkongsamba and is 65 years old, former student of the Mbamy Fochada André college where she could not finish her studies because of some family issues. At a very young age, she lost her mother, she had to fight to meet her needs, so she launched a small business. Divorced and mother of four children, she will try to learn a job, but due to challenges of life, she had to return to the trade because she has to take care of her children. Passionate about nature and its benefits, for 30 years, after studying plants and their transformations with renowned professionals, she practices herbal medicine, on a very small scale. She is aware of her potential and thinks she would offer better if she had financial support and digital support because her production is far below her knowledge. She is hardworking and gives thanks to the Creator for the strength he gives her on a daily basis to always advance this despite the many difficulties of life.